Monday, October 25, 2010

We hold these truths to be self-evident

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Indeed it is one of the most famous lines in the English language, so potent it not only changed America's history but, also the foundation of their nation. This is one of the most Godly foundations I have ever come across.

We- Plural, a group of people, not just one person. Who is "we" ?

hold these truths- absolute. What the case is.

to be self evident- their is no doubt about it, no evidence needed to prove it!it just is as it is!

that all men are CREATED equal: notice the use of the present tense "are" meaning man in still being "created" not evolving, not mysteriously appearing, not even born...but CREATED equal.

They are endowed by their CREATOR: Wow, interesting word choice!!!Their creator? The big bang? Evolution? or God? Our creator endowed us with something what is it?

with certain unalienable rights:Now if the creator was the big bang or evolution through the process of natural selection, then man has no rights. We are only a random product of chance. Chance cannot endow us with any unalienable rights. Not to mention natural selection depends on survival for the fittest!The only rights we would have then are are those of having the best genes to be passed on to the next generation and the ability to mutate fast enough to adapt to whatever environment.

among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness:What can give us a right to life? According to this bold statement- our creator. What about happiness? Happiness is an emotion.I don't know why and how a product of chance, a higher form of primordial slime would develop emotions...Charles Darwin forgot to explain that in his tree of life.Why does man have emotions? Why can he laugh, cry, get angry? Well, I don't know maybe this helps increase chances of survival.

How many atheists, agnostics and pantheists believe in this statement because man...this is a huge contradiction to your beliefs. Atheists, seeing as their is no God, it would be incorrect to use the words creator in this sentence. Seeing as the creator is the one who endows man with inalienable rights or life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we can take out these words too, because their is no creator, he cannot endow anyone with anything! The whole sentence then becomes meaningless!!To agnostics well since we can't really make out whether or not their is a God, we can't really determine whether he gives us any rights. These truths cannot be self evident!They are unknowable! And finally for the pantheist,which creator?